Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Hello, I am not dead. Just really out of words. However, a friend introduced me to a fellow by the name of Mooji - and I found this treaching of his quite moving.

This emptiness is not a trivial thing. It's the most supreme state.
But in the consciousness there is this itching, and I use this term: the athlete's foot mind. In the mind the thought is coming, there is this itching, and it feels it needs a scratch…
Like a question arising, something more to be solved, or resolved.
But I say: only stay as this, and that itchiness will subside.
When this itchiness is there, there is the temptation to start to scratch it, but it just makes it more bloody and awful. So just take note of that for the moment.
But stay as you are. Because you cannot improve this emptiness… a little bit of meditation or self-enquiry returns you to this affirmation in yourself, this recognition:
all there is is just a sort of emptiness, beyond the concept of empty even.

So can you step out of this emptiness now?
In the emptiness, what are you?
Are you IN the emptiness like you are in this room, or are you the emptiness?...

if you say you're in something, then there is like two: there is a sense “I” and a sense “I'm in something.” … if you feel you're in, then emptiness becomes kind of an experience, and you remain as the experiencer, and there's a sort of duality in that.
So it makes possible the sense of leaving it…
That's why I'm asking you: In the emptiness what are you?
What form do you wear in emptiness?
Are you in it, or are you it? ...

So if you are [it] how can you step out? ...
if you are on earth, you can say: a cloud covers the sun.
But the sun doesn't know covering. It doesn't know the sensation I am covered up…
When you say I'm covered up, it's as though I'm hidden from myself.
I'm just getting you to look at it, it's very important actually. It's just through this subtle overlooking that this pain creeps in, this sense of separation, this sense of split in yourself.
But when you really investigate it, it's exposed as a kind of fraud.
You are just you.
Yesterday we spoke about it…
the knife can cut so many things but it cannot cut itself…
the eye can see so many things, but it cannot see itself…
a scale can weigh so many things but it cannot weigh itself …
And you are yourself, you cannot perceive yourself.
You can only perceive some idea of yourself.
You are this unicity, you see. There is no split in you. Only by this function of the consciousness it appears as though you become something qualitative, something you can evaluate.
But whatever you can see, it cannot be you.

Emptiness is only an idea at the present moment. A word in the consciousness.
But it points to something actually that you intuitively feel.
It's like the emptiness perceiving the emptiness somehow.
Or consciousness perceiving consciousness.
There is not really a form being observed in this. There are no words really adequate to convey. At this point you are at the very periphery of language even,
and the words are exhausting the energy of themselves, because no words will do. Just this acknowledgement I am, but what I am I cannot say.

Mooji, Emptiness