Thursday, January 25, 2007

Bones of Light

So, we passed a year yesterday.
At 7 a.m. I thought, "A year ago today I was screaming in the phone..."

A lot can happen in a year. So much so things can become almost unrecognizable. Still, there is continuity.

A couple days ago, Becky sent me this. It was the story of the day from "Story People." And this is what it said:

Bones of Light

I remember we sat in the swing on the front porch & as the dusk came on us like a song, dark throated & sweet, he told me about the beginning when we had bones of light & hair that burned like the sun & I asked what happened then? & I felt him floating there in the soft dark & finally he said we forgot & I said I never would, but sometimes I do & I understand now why he put his arm around me & said nothing more.

I am not sure I understand this story, not the words. But I do understand something of it. Something deep down inside beyond words and all the thinking.